Claude Brunier-Coulin


Interview of Jean-François Nevoux, OFM, on the occasion of the Jubilee of the 800th anniversary of the Franciscans’ arrival in France:

MAN AS A SINNER Luther et la justification par la foi
Radio programme on Fréquence protestante – FM 100.7 – 25/10/2014 at 20:00 on the programme « Tribune de l’actualité »: Jacques Fischer with Claude BRUNIER-COULIN and Bernard SESBOUË, professor at the Jesuit university Centre Sèvres.
To listen to the programme, click here : MAN AS A SINNER

  • Discussion with the philosopher Christian GODIN
    Realized on the 18th of April 2015
    This 45-minutes long discussion presents the whole of the works and thinking of Christian GODIN. In the form of a questionnaire, his works are set out in three parts:
    1.) The TOTALITY: an encyclopaedic work which reconstructs all the possible figures of the Totality in the history of thought. The Totality is presented as a thought horizon, desire for understanding, possibility to reconcile the conceptual with the real.
    2.) Works that make up a demanding reflection about contemporary problematic in the light of the totality.
    3.) Educational books allowing a wide audience to access to knowledge and to orient in thinking.

Presentation of THÉOLOGIQUE DE LA FOLIE (THEOLOGIC OF MADNESS), Bernard FORTHOMME, Franciscan theologian and philosopher, on 4th May 2015 at the Editions Orizons in Paris.

Presentation of THÉOLOGIQUE DE LA FOLIE (THEOLOGIC OF MADNESS), Bernard FORTHOMME, Franciscan theologian and philosopher, on 4th May 2015 at the Editions Orizons in Paris.

This 45-minutes long discussion presents the whole o f the works and thinking o f Bernard FORTHOMME, a newfounder who drives out the multiplicity from the apparently unity of thinking. 1.) THEOLOGY OF MADNESS: a pragmatic of the traumatic event, deployment of madness in
human existence as the exposing of a particular story.
2.) MADNESS, MELANCOLY, JEALOUSY: meaning and sense o f a triduum, a triptych or a
trilogy. Could it be the Hegelian tripartition of Logic/Nature/Spirit?
3.) THEOLOGY OF ADVENTURE: from anthropological adventure to théologal adventure, whose stakes or leader would be God.
4.) Franciscan works: positioning towards Duns Scotus and William o f Ockham.